Purchase of Bluetooth Serial Adapter

Search "Bluetooth serial adapter" or "BLE serial adapter" on the Internet to see the list of Bluetooth serial adapters. Always check the product specifications to ensure the Bluetooth version is v4.0 or higher (for iOS) and the serial port is male before purchasing.

Baud Rate Supports 1.2 / 2.4 / 4.8 / 9.6 / 19.2 / 38.4 / 57.6 / 115.2 / 230.4 Kbps
Coverage Up to 100m
Connection Point-to-point
Signal TxD, RxD, GND, CTS/RTS
RS-232 Interface D_SUB 9-pin female
Standard Bluetooth V2.0+EDR
Profiles Serial Port Profile (SPP)

Purchase of iOS Serial Cable

Search "redpark serial cable lightning" on the Internet to purchase a serial cable for iOS. Always check if the serial cable has a male connector before purchasing.